学历 |
所在学校 |
所在学院 |
时间 |
博士 |
华中科技大学 |
图像所 |
2006.6 |
学士 |
电子科技大学 |
无线电技术 |
1992.6 |
1. Liu S, Xiong C, Gao Z. Face super-resolution network with incremental enhancement of facial parsing information[C]// 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. IEEE. 2020.
2. Xiong C, Shi X, Gao Z, et al. Attention augmented multi-scale network for single image super-resolution[J]. Appl Intell, 2020.
3. Jin X, Xiong Q, Xiong C, Li Z, Gao Z. Single image super-resolution with multi-level feature fusion recursive network[J]. Neurocomputing, 2019, 370: 166-173
4. Gao Z, Ding L, Xiong Q, et al. Image compressive sensing reconstruction based on z-score Standardized group sparse representation[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7(7):90640-90651.
5. Gao Z, Ding L, Xiong C, et al. Compressive Sensing Reconstruction Based on Standardized Group Sparse Representation[C]// IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. IEEE, 2019.
6. Gao Z, Ding L, Xiong C. Single Image Interpolation Using Texture-Aware Low-Rank Regularization[J]. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2018, 27(2): 374-380.
7. Zhang S, Tian X, Xiong C, et al. Fast implementation for the singular value and eigenvalue decomposition based on FPGA[J]. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2017, 26(1): 132-136.
8. 李佳, 高志荣, 熊承义, 等. 加权结构组稀疏表示的图像压缩感知重构[J]. 通信学报, 2017, 38(2): 196-202.
9. Li T, Tian X, Xiong C, et al. A coding scheme for noisy image based on layer segmentation[J]. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2016, 25(4): 700-705.
10. Zhang S, Tian X, Xiong C, et al. Unified VLSI architecture for photo core transform used in JPEG XR[J]. Electronics Letters, 2015, 51(8): 628-630.
11. Gao Z, Xiong C, Ding L, et al. Image representation using block compressive sensing for compression applications[J]. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2013, 24(7): 885-894.
12. Gao Z, Xiong C. High-throughput implementation of lifting-based discrete wavelet transforms using look-ahead pipelining[J]. Optical Engineering, 2010, 49(10): 107003.
13. Xiong C, Tian J, Liu J. High performance word level sequential and parallel coding methods and architectures for bit plane coding[J]. Science in China(Series F:Information Sciences), 51(4):337-351, 2008.
14. Xiong C, Tian J, Liu J. Efficient architectures for two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform using lifting scheme[J]. IEEE transactions on image processing, 2007, 16(3): 607-614.
15. Xiong C, Hou J, Tian J, Liu J. Efficient array architectures for multi-dimensional lifting-based discrete wavelet transforms[J]. Signal Processing, 2007, 87(5):1089-1099.
16. Xiong C Y, Tian J W, Liu J. Efficient high-speed/low-power line-based architecture for two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform using lifting scheme[J]. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology, 2006, 16(2): 309-316.
17. Xiong C Y, Tian J W, Liu J. A note on" Flipping structure: an efficient VLSI architecture for lifting-based discrete wavelet Transform"[J]. IEEE transactions on signal processing, 2006, 54(5): 1910-1916.
18. Xiong C, Tian J, Liu J. An Efficient Line-Based Architecture for 2-D DWT[J]. Optical Engineering, 2006, 45(3):037004.
19. 熊承义, 侯建华, 田金文,柳健. 嵌入式块编码的快速算法和结构[J]. 通信学报, 2006, 27(7):53-60.
20. 熊承义,金鑫,高志荣等. 多级递归特征融合的图像超分辨率重构系统及其方法,2020,中国,ZL 2019102201192(授权发明专利)
21. 熊承义,高志荣,李佳,龚忠毅,周城. 利用加权结构组稀疏规则化的图像压缩感知重构系统及方法,2019,中国,ZL201610957543.1(授权发明专利)
22. 熊承义,高志荣,龚忠毅,张梦杰.利用组归一化稀疏表示的图像压缩感知重构系统及其方法,2019,中国,ZL201711338419.8(授权发明专利)
23. 高志荣,熊承义,汪淑娴,周城. 一种人脸识别系统. 2017,中国,ZL2014100796482(授权发明专利)
24. 高志荣,熊承义,丁立新,基于自适应低秩规则化的图像内插系统及方法,2017,中国,ZL201510197071X(授权发明专利)
25. 熊承义,高志荣. 基于压缩采样的视频编解码系统及其方法. 2014,中国,ZL 2012100121721(授权发明专利)
26. 熊承义,高志荣,周城. 一种用于图像编码的基于系数随机置换的压缩感知方法及系统. 2013,中国,ZL 2011101106014(授权发明专利)
27. 熊承义,田金文,柳健. 一种直接二维小波变换电路. 2006,中国,ZL 200410060621.5(授权发明专利)
28. 熊承义,田金文,柳健. 一种并性的二维小波变换电路2006,中国,ZL 200410060920.9(授权发明专利)
29. 熊承义,陈少平,田金文,杨春勇,侯建华,高速移动下的视频编码与无线传输的关键理论、方法研究,湖北省人民政府,湖北省自然科学奖,二等奖,2011.